The purpose of this section is to provide information on different types of thinking as well as exercises designed to develop some cognitive skills not covered elsewhere in Logic and Reasoning.

CLICK HERE for information about Edward De Bono's SIX THINKING HATS. How can you use these thinking hats in the exercises that follow?


In these exercises you are given an everyday object. What you have to do is think of as many uses as possible for this object. Think of how you can exploit the physical properties of the object in other ways apart from those for which the object is intended. And, before you ask, violence is encouraged! Think of some more objects yourself - try to do one a week!

Uses of Objects 1
Uses of Objects 2
Uses of Objects 3
Uses of Objects 4
Uses of Objects 5
Uses of Objects 6
Uses of Objects 7
Uses of Objects 8
Uses of Objects 9
Uses of Objects 10


Imagine there is a child in your class who, for one reason or another, stands out as being different. How would you treat this child? How would the other pupils treat this child? How would the teacher treat this child? What would he or she be thinking? Can you put yourself in the place of someone who may be very different from yourself? Do you think these children would be bullied? Discuss all these issues with your parents and friends.

Empathy Test 1
Empathy Test 2
Empathy Test 3
Empathy Test 4
Empathy Test 5
Empathy Test 6


From Wikipedia: "Critical thinking is a form of judgment, specifically purposeful and reflective judgment. In using critical thinking one makes a decision or solves the problem of judging what to believe or what to do, but does so in a reflective way."

The skill of critical thinking enables us to make rational decisions concerning all aspects of our lives. Test and develop your critical thinking skills by considering some of these "What if..." scenarios. Can you think of other scenarios you could discuss with your family and friends?

What if... 1
What if... 2
What if... 3
What if... 4
What if... 5
What if... 6